A Full Guide to Writing a Great Bullying Essay + Examples

A Full Guide to Writing a Great Bullying Essay + Examples
Table of Contents
  1. A Full Guide to Writing a Great Bullying Essay + Examples
  2. What is Bullying Essay?
  3. Effective Tips for Writing a Top-Quality Bullying Essay.
  4. How to Write a Bullying Essay Outline
  5. Tips on How to Make a Bullying Essay Introduction Eye-Catching
  6. How to Write the Bullying Essay Conclusion Paragraph
  7. 20 Anti Bullying Essay Topics
  8. Bullying Essay Examples
  9. Argumentative Essay on Bullying Sample
  10. Persuasive Essay on Bullying Sample
  11. 5 Paragraph Essay About Bullying
  12. How to Prevent Bullying Essay
  13. Cyber Bullying Cause and Effect Essay

A bullying essay is one of the academic assignments, which teachers ask to write pursuing the aim to find out what students think about bullying at schools. All over the world, parents and teachers think hard about how to fight this problem. When being assigned to write a bully essay on this serious topic, a student is supposed to brainstorm ideas on the effective solutions.

There are several types of a bullying essay and a large number of topics to choose from. It doesn't matter, which one you will choose for your paper, you should stick to the definite structure. The essay structure and organization are two major things that are of the utmost importance. When writing a bully essay, introduce a problem, provide evidence that it really exists, and express your personal opinion. If it is the first time you are going to compose this kind of essay, follow the tips on how to complete an A-grade bully essay.

What is Bullying Essay?

Before you get started, you need to look for the bullying essay definition. You should have a clear picture of its peculiarities and distinctive features to write it the right way; so, what is bullying essay? It is not difficult to guess that a bullying essay is an essay about bullying. What does “bullying” actually mean; bullying is a physical, psychological, or any other harm to another person. A bullying essay is a piece of academic writing. The aim of which is to reveal the problem of the aggressive behavior of one student towards others.

Effective Tips for Writing a Top-Quality Bullying Essay.

Have you got a task to compose a teenage bullying essay? If you have no idea on how to do this, you are recommended to check the simple but effective tips for writing a really worthy essay. Follow expert pieces of advice below and you will manage to impress your teacher.

  • Choose an interesting topic: The key to success is to pick the best bullying essay topic. You need to give preference to the topic that you feel passionate about. If you have bullied on your own or have been bullied by others, you will be able to find the topic quite easily. If you were lucky not to face this problem, check the collection of the most interesting topics offered in this article.
  • Write an impressive thesis statement: Brainstorm thesis ideas before writing a statement as it must be powerful. You will succeed if you write a thesis statement presenting the major points of your work in just a sentence or two.
  • Write an eye-catching introduction: Make the beginning attractive for the reader. You need to use special hooks and tricks to catch the attention of your target audience. Provide facts or start with the question, which will cause the required feedback.
  • Write 3-4 paragraphs of the main body: After the introduction, you should proceed to the main body points. Your task is to discuss the problem providing statistics and other evidence that the problem must be solved urgently. The content of your paragraphs will depend on the type of the assigned essay. If you are going to write a cyberbullying essay, make an accent on bullying on social networks. Brainstorm the ways to reduce bullying in schools essay.
  • Write a valuable conclusion: Keep in mind that the reader will memorize the last lines of your work better than the rest of the paper. That's why you should make it clear and concise for your reader not to have any questions. Summarize an article with major points providing your own standpoint.
  • Edit and proofread your essay on bullying: It is a must to check whether there are any errors after you have finished assignment writing. It is recommended to have a closer look at your paper in a day or two. Entrust editing to professionals who will guarantee that your work sounds perfect.

How to Write a Bullying Essay Outline

Don't think that writing a bullying essay outline is a waste of time. This is the most effective way to save time and make the process of writing well-organized. You should make a detailed plan not to miss anything significant; the well-written outline will help to organize your ideas. An alphanumeric plan will suit this type of work best.

Make it clear and concise - have it in front of you to write a well-structured essay; divide your plan into sections and name each of them. Have a look at our argumentative essay outline example and you know how to make the most helpful plan.

Tips on How to Make a Bullying Essay Introduction Eye-Catching

Are you puzzled and confused not having good ideas on how to write an impressive bullying essay introduction? Check the recommendations, which will help you to attract the reader. He or she won't doubt whether your essay is worth spending time on it.

  • Explain what bullying is: Explain to the reader what the term “bullying” means. He or she should have a clear picture of its meaning
  • Highlight the problem: You need to introduce the problem of bullying. The best way to do this is to provide some reliable data; bullying is a problem that exists everywhere in the world. That's why it won't be problematic to find the statistics
  • Let the reader feel how important the topic is: Your task is to explain to the reader why it is so important to discuss the topic you have chosen.
Take our expository essay as an example. It will inspire and help with this writing topic.

How to Write the Bullying Essay Conclusion Paragraph

Most students think that they can just provide a short summary of the points that have already been discussed in the paper when writing a conclusion. It is a misconception! Explain to the reader why he or she has spent time on your work; let him or her understand what makes your research on bullying really valuable.

Besides, you need to share your personal ideas on the measures that one can take to solve this problem. A bullying essay conclusion paragraph is a reflection of the whole short essay about bullying, which should sound like the final verdict. Don't include new information in this paragraph.

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20 Anti Bullying Essay Topics

Check the list of the most interesting anti-bullying essay topics:

  1. Write your ideas on how to prevent bullying essay
  2. Share your own experience of bullying at school: either being a victim or a person who has bullied someone
  3. Write about your attitude to those who behave aggressively towards classmates
  4. What are the effective ways to stop bullying in schools?
  5. Who should be responsible for an anti-bullying campaign?
  6. Is it possible to get rid of bullying forever?
  7. Conduct research on the effects of bullying
  8. What impact does bullying have on children?
  9. Write about the negative consequences of this problem
  10. How should teachers react to such problem at their classes?
  11. What is the role of parents and can they help somehow?
  12. Should children ask for parents' help or should they solve their problems on their own?
  13. Is going to the police a reasonable solution if you are bullied?
  14. Why do students bully?
  15. What are the main reasons for bullying?
  16. Who can become a victim of such behavior?
  17. What does the government think of this problem?
  18. Does bullying exist in both developed and developing countries?
  19. How to punish students who do harm to others?
  20. Is bullying a social problem?

Bullying Essay Examples

There are many types of bullying essays. Check how to write the most popular and frequently assigned kinds of research on bullying topics. All bullying essay examples are written in accordance with the correct structure introducing the actual problem of bullying among students. Check the samples below to have a better understanding of how to compose your creative writing essay.

Argumentative Essay on Bullying Sample

Check the argumentative essay on bullying example:

In every school and in almost every class, there are children who are objects of ridicule and sometimes of open abuse by individual children or even the entire class. According to statistics, up to 10% of children regularly (once a week and more often) and 55% occasionally (from time to time) are exposed to various forms of abuse by classmates.

About 26% of mothers consider their children to be victims of such violence, which today is a dangerous phenomenon with extremely negative consequences, under the generally accepted term "bullying". This term contains a number of social, psychological, legal and pedagogical problems.

Bullying is a form of ill-treatment when a physically or mentally strong individual or group enjoys causing physical or psychological pain to a weaker person. The first publication on this topic appeared in 1905 in England, and since then the study and discussion of the problem have not subsided. It is typical not only for schools but even for kindergartens. I have suffered from bullying being a schoolgirl and even thought about a suicide. I know how horrible it is when nobody talks to you in a friendly tone; I think that adults must do their best to stop this.

Every kid has the right to live a normal life. If you notice the first signs of bullying at school, you need to take measures immediately. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing your child as nobody knows how strong he or she is and whether he or she can withstand such attitude towards him or her.

Persuasive Essay on Bullying Sample

Use the sample below as an example of a persuasive essay on bullying:

Most of the discussions concern bullying among children, which sometimes leads to suicide. This phenomenon is widespread among their parents as well. According to experts, those children who were the initiators of the bullying continue to demonstrate their aggressiveness when becoming adults. Often, they are on the criminal path. Some of the victims of bullying, who have experienced the bitterness of offense, sometimes not only retain it but also want to take revenge for a long time.

According to the research, among thousands of children who answered questions, 48% were bullied. In almost all countries, bullying is more common among boys than among girls, and boys are also more often victimized. This is not just mischief or rudeness, but a special form of relationship. Previously, such relationships were explained mainly by emotions, like "displacement of aggression", etc.

The concrete forms and methods of bullying are constantly changing. The latest "achievement" in this area is the so-called cyberbullying, i.e. bullying, carried out by electronic means of communication. Like any complex phenomenon, bullying has no unambiguous explanation, nor universal ways of overcoming and preventing it. Some scientists study mainly individual and personal properties of bullies and their victims, others - socio-psychological processes of bullying and victimization.

Bullying often involves socio-economic factors, for example, poverty, social and ethnic inequality. Boys from poor and dysfunctional families take out their frustrations on more prosperous peers, forcing them to feel fear and at the same time - a sense of their inferiority compared to stronger, courageous representatives of the society.

Prevention should be aimed at creating conditions for preventing bullying. Parents should take an active part in the fight against this phenomenon. Teachers also shouldn't ignore this problem as children are in school the largest part of the day.

5 Paragraph Essay About Bullying

The statistics state that every fourth child is persecuted in school by other students. Therefore, such children don't feel safe and comfortable at school. Harassment in the educational sphere is psychological or physical violence in order to force to obey the leading group (leader) and its laws in the classroom or to force to leave school. The means to achieve this goal are the dissemination of rumors, intimidation, isolation, insults, and humiliation, physical violence.

In any school, in any class, there are children who like to offend, bully, beat, call others, take money, and things from them, while there are children who become their victims. As a rule, these are children who are physically weak or those who suffer from diseases that separate them from the collective. The teacher’s pet also often becomes a victim of bullying.

In this connection, such groups of students can form in the class: some participate in the process of persecution directly, as an aggressor or a victim, others - the majority - passively, like eyewitnesses and witnesses. The main thing is never to say that your child will never belong to such groups.

Offenders may be both teenage boys and girls as bullying does not depend on gender, nationality or preferences. It is an element of the school life. Any student can suffer from bullying; sometimes, there are no specific grounds for aggression. The object of bullying is most often chosen by those who are different from other children and cannot protect himself/herself.

The consequences of the harassment are sad: cruel treatment deforms the child's psyche and can be the cause of pathological disorders, the emergence of socially dangerous forms of behavior of suicidal and dependent nature. Parents should be ready to notice the problem and prevent this violence together with the school because teachers sometimes do not have the time and energy to sort out children’s quarrels and conflicts.

How to Prevent Bullying Essay

Many types of schools have rules to prevent bullying. These rules are important but teachers and parents should remember that not rules but people can change other people. Young people experiencing difficulties with social interaction do not develop new skills because they are forced to obey the established rules. However, children who tend to dominate and control others do not give up their behavior only because the rules require this.

Studies show that the development of certain skills in children can contribute to the manifestation of social behavior, reduce stress levels, develop a more friendly attitude towards teachers and classmates, and improve academic performance.

Accordingly, systematic work with students in this direction can prevent manifestations of bullying in the classroom. To prevent bullying in the classroom, you do not need to protect children from all kinds of conflicts. Conflicts are a natural part of the relationship between people. Disagreements can be constructive since they help to see the situation from different sides.

It is necessary to develop schoolchildren's problem-solving skills so that they can manage the inevitable conflicts independently, showing respect to the interlocutor. Researchers argue that problem-solving skills help to prevent bullying better than emotional responses.

The development of the mentioned skills can help to prevent bullying or at least not lead to the negative consequences. The role of adults in taking the preventive measures is of the utmost importance. It is up to them to assist in developing self-confidence in students.

Cyber Bullying Cause and Effect Essay

The term “cyberbullying” arose in the 2000 and is directly related to the use of the Internet. The target audience of cyberbullying - adolescents between the ages of twelve and fifteen years of age, leading an active online life and spending time in social networks.

Cyberbullying today is a universal way to assert in the society. Almost everyone has the Internet access. Among teenagers, self-affirmation is built on the principle of "self-elevation" due to the humiliation of others.

According to the recent research, more than 20% of all students in secondary schools become victims of this type of bullying. Naturally, this phenomenon is widespread in developed countries: the United States, Canada, and European countries, where the level of distribution of the Internet exceeds 90%.

The main cause is that the Internet environment gives you the freedom to stay confidential. Many teenagers don't want anyone find out that they have bullied someone; the consequences of such behavior may be different. Some children may start suffering from the low self-esteem and depressed mood while others may feel so miserable being unable to stop bullying on the Internet that they start having thoughts about a suicide having a strong wish to escape

Parents should limit the access to the Internet, and allow using it in with the educational aims only. Sure, this is not the best way out; adults should explain that only those who aren't self-confident themselves bully others. The measures should be taken the moment parents have noticed that their child either shows an aggressive behavior or has become a victim of the classmates.

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