A Step-by-Step Guide for Writing an A-Grade Gender Roles Essay
A gender roles essay is a piece of writing where a student is expected to describe his/her understanding of gender roles that are specific to males and females. Both school and college teachers assign students to write this kind of paper to check how the modern generation treats the set of social and behavioral norms set by the generation of our ancestors.
Time passes and the gender roles change. If one is writing an essay on this topic, it is necessary to research how the set norms have changed in your society compared to other cultures. The topic of male/female gender roles has been discussed all over the world. It is still one of the most actual topics nowadays. In your work, you are supposed to tell about influences on the traditional attitudes to women (girls) /men (boys) in different cultures, society, at home as they may vary.
The major task of a student is to draw attention to the period of time when females didn’t have equal rights as males. In your essay, try to present evidence. Show that now the situation has improved but still one can witness discrimination of women at workplace, educational establishments, etc. Work about gender roles involves several aspects. You need to conduct social research based on interesting historical facts about a man’s life, his behavior and attitudes towards the woman playing different gender roles: the mother, wife, daughter.
Research the current situation on gender roles sharing your personal attitude to gender roles and the existing discrimination. Support gender role ideas. Have you been assigned to write a woman/man/children gender roles essay and you just have no idea on where to get started? Use this effective step-by-step essays guide. It is intended to be helpful for writing a paper on the role, which sex plays in the relationships between people living in one house. You’re expected to reveal the gender roles topic making it attractive to professors of the best educational institutions.
What Is a Gender Roles Essay?
Before getting started with the gender roles paper, you need to have a clear picture of what a gender is. Most students mistakenly think that sex and gender have the same meaning. Is there any difference between sex and gender? The term “sex” refers to the biological features of a person while the gender means the role, which a person plays in a specific society.
In order to get an A-grade, check what you need to reveal in this type of essay. The main idea of the gender roles essay is to check what a student thinks about cultural differences of the gender roles given to males/females on the birth day.
A teacher asks to write a gender roles paper expecting you to provide in-depth analysis of gender roles considering the economic, cultural, social sphere. Conduct research on gender roles giving sufficient evidence to prove your standpoint.
The topic of gender roles is broad and you need to choose an aspect for the deeper gender role research. Focus on the chosen problem writing a gender roles paper consisting of an introduction, the main body, and conclusion. The main principles will stay the same. A gender roles paper is a work about the problem of gender discrimination you should consider from different angles.
It should include careful gender research. Express your own thoughts on gender roles defined by the society the very 1-st day a girl or boy is born.
How to Structure a Gender Roles Paper the Right Way?
Writing a college/university gender research paper, you are expected to meet certain structural requirements not only concerning the number of pages. A well-structured logical gender roles paper can get an A-grade. Remember that at times when going to craft a gender essay, you need to check whether you know how to structure the gender roles text the right way. Have a closer look at must-have parts that affect a gender roles essay’s quality:
- Introduction: The beginning of a gender essay should be interesting and eye-catching. It must be brief. A mistake many students make commonly is writing too long introductions making the reader bored. Don’t deprive readers of a wish to continue reading. Make your task to present the main idea of the further gender discussion. Introduce the topic in a way everyone would like to discover what is going to be next and Produce the best possible effect.
Imagine that this is a brand to sell. Write a gender paper introduction able to “sell” the rest of the work and give some facts/figures concerning the gender topic. Bear in mind that people like statistics. It is a good idea to start with gender figures starting your essay on gender roles with some intriguing question on gender roles everyone would like to answer.
- Thesis statement: Write a strong gender thesis statement at the end of an introduction. Craft a powerful sentence that consists of several words about gender roles and states the major ideas that will attract your target audience. Make it creative using various language means.
- The Main Body: Here, you are supposed to tell about the gender research conducted and the findings you have got. The work will be full if you research both positive/negative attitudes towards men/women due to their biological sex in the past and gender roles of a male/a female in the today's society, in the house environment. Provide your own understanding of the gender power. Find certain gender facts that will serve as convincing arguments for your standpoint and note that the number of gender paper paragraphs may slightly vary. Browse classification essay examples, they might help with your writing.
There are 3-4 paragraphs about the sex influence in all spheres of life. To provide ideas on the traditional family roles, the household patterns of behavior, and the interconnection between the sex and the behavior, look for evidence of your thoughts.
- Conclusion: At the end, write a short paragraph with a brief paper summary. You are expected to set the major concept presented in the gender essay making it clear to the reader what position you occupy.
You should remember that the powerful conclusion is of the utmost importance. The reader may evaluate the entire work reading the last lines, it might matter a lot. Write the conclusion so that the reader doesn't have any additional questions on the topic. Finish only after making sure you have done a good job as finishing the main thought is a must.
- A bibliography list: Don't forget to place a list of references where you should provide all information sources that turned out to be useful for your research. Check all necessary formatting rules to write references the right way.
6 Simple Tips for Crafting a Perfect Essay on Gender Roles
Every student knows that writing any kind of academic assignment is a time-consuming process. A gender assignment isn't an exception. It must be based on some facts, opinions of famous scientists. This doesn't mean there are no effective tricks that may help you to save time crafting an essay on gender roles. Check the list of the recommendations that can make your life easier helping to pass your essay on gender roles in the society with flying colors.
- Write an essay based on your own life experience. It is a good idea to think of your own life experience using it as a foundation as you can use examples of sexual discrimination your friends/acquaintances faced. The topic about roles of a man/a woman in the society provides freedom to express views or feelings towards gender roles determined by the society. That's why you can benefit greatly from this opportunity to share your own life experiences.
- Check the availability of reliable information resources before choosing a topic. Haven't been assigned to write an essay on a certain issue? Then, you are free to choose any topic as the gender topic is broad.
For example, write about the influence of our society on the formation of boys/ girls’ behavior, explain why there is a discrimination between men/women at the workplace. Or you could explain how stereotyped sociaty is about driving skill and car knoledge dependong on gender, even though a lot of males use car manuals as much as females do to have an understanding about how vehicle works. When picking the topic, you should be guided by the main rule: choose the theme you are passionate about, the one, which can be researched successfully.
Include more facts, statistics, examples. Your essay will be more interesting if you include some facts that not everyone has heard about. Simply, look for the examples of the sex discrimination in different societies, search for the information in the media, and give some numerical data to build trust. Check whether you understand all terms used in the text. Follow the informative essay format to write such kind of a paper.
Assure that your essay contains in-depth analysis. Before submitting an essay, you are recommended to read it aloud to understand whether it sounds persuasive. If the research you have conducted is of the low quality, edit paragraphs to sound better and then leave your gender essay for 1-2 days before the submission. Read it once again to be sure it is well-researched. Hand it in if there is no need to add any kind of information.
Use grammar/plagiarism checkers: On the Internet, you’ll find many online software tools. They are aimed at helping writers to check whether the essay is of the high quality. Copy your essay’s text, check whether there are any grammar/spelling mistakes. If everything is fine, the next step is to check whether it is 100% unique or you’ve plagiarised somebody's thought with or without a special intention. Make all necessary corrections before you demonstrate an essay to the teacher.
Make sure you have met all teacher's expectations concerning the essay style and formatting taking into account that there are many formatting styles - APA, MLA format, Chicago, etc. You should ask your teacher which one it is better to give preference to. Check the requirements in the necessary styling guide and assure that you did everything the right way. If you lack time, then buy essay papers online composed by professional writers who can give a helping hand by editing/proofreading the work.
Essay on Gender Roles Sample on the Topic “How Is the Social Gender Formed?”
The formation of gender identity begins at an early age manifesting itself as a subjective feeling of belonging to baby-boys/baby-girls. Already at the age of three, kids start getting a kind of education on the gender role. Boys prefer to play with boys, girls - with girls. Joint games are present in the lives of both genders.
They are important for acquiring communication skills with each other. Preschoolers try to correspond to those ideas about the "right" behavior for the boy/ girl, which they learn from their family seeing at home - a place where they are living and are being raised.
For generations of girls, the image of both the woman, the main example of which is the mother, and the image of the man-father, is very important. For boys, the perception of the patterns of both male and female behavior is of the utmost importance.
Parents should give children the first example of an equal relationship between a husband and a wife, which largely determines their behavioral traits when dealing with people of two opposite sexes. While growing up, more importantly, it is essential for kids to get an idea of what equality is and which rights every member of the family has.
Up to 9-10 years, children are susceptible to the specific external impact of socialization. Close contact with peers of the opposite sex in school and other activities help the child to assimilate the behavioral gender status adopted in the modern society. Role-playing games that are taught in the kindergarten, with time become more difficult. Participation in them is important for children: they have the opportunity to choose the gender of the character in accordance with their own, they learn to match the gender role they have been shown.
Children represent men or women as individuals. They primarily reflect the acceptable stereotypes of gender behaviors adopted at home, in the families, and at school. They show those qualities that are considered in their environment feminine or masculine. In the prepubertal period (approximately 7-12 years old), children with very different personal qualities tend to unite in social groups in different ways, while avoiding representatives of the opposite sex.
During puberty, teenagers, as a rule, try to emphasize their gender qualities socially. In the list of those qualities which they begin to include communication with the opposite sex. An adolescent boy, trying to show his masculinity, shows determination, strength, but should actively care about girls.
The assimilation of gender roles and the development of gender identification is allowed as a result of the complex interaction of natural instincts, individual characteristics of a child and his/her environment, as well as actions in the society. If parents, knowing the norms of this process, do not impose their stereotypes on the child, but help him/her to reveal his/her individuality, then in adolescence/older age he/she will have less problems associated with puberty, awareness of the marriage, acceptance of his/her gender roles.
Let's Conclude
When crafting an essay on genders, you need to plunge into the history. Analyze whether the gender roles of men/ women have changed in a significant way or not. Provide your point of view on the basis of the public research available. Support your ideas with the good illustrative examples and refer to the works of the psychology/sociology, thinking over the scientists’ findings.
Stick to the correct essay structure that has been discussed in this article. Use the good quality sample as an example of the essay on the gender subject. If you follow all pieces of advice that are present here, you will enjoy the process of writing due to the fact that there are a lot of issues to concentrate the attention of your reader on.