100 Compelling Ideas for Argumentative Essay Topics

argumentative essay topics
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Choosing argumentative essay topics is the first step of writing such assignments. English language classes usually require a lot of writing overall. When you're a middle school student, you don't feel the pressure. But sometimes, in high school or college, you don't have a chance to choose a topic independently. The teachers provide specific requirements that students should follow. You need to collect responses from other people unlike you do when writing a descriptive essay.

To write a great essay, a student should have excellent research, analytical, and writing skills. Without them, it will be hard to meet your teacher's expectations. We will help you with the choice of argumentative essay topics. Read this article further and choose a topic you like the most!

How to Select Debatable Topics?

You might think that it's better when your teacher assigns a particular argumentative topic to you. Having the right to develop your own idea is always better. When working on a persuasive essay, a student has to collect valuable and time-tested sources to prove their knowledge of a particular issue. You may be encouraged to use such primary sources as:

  • Textbooks
  • Books
  • Documentaries
  • Academic journals
  • Scientific magazines
  • Newspapers
  • Official reports

Even if you are an expert in a specific field, don't hesitate to use and cite external sources. It will point to your ability to select and collect only the most relevant materials. Besides, direct and indirect quotes are needed to support your knowledge of academic writing style. If you are unsure about your writing skills, turn to a professional writing agency to buy essays online on various topics for cheap.

Best Argumentative Paper Topics

Below you will find a list of compelling topics for consideration. Check them out and choose the one that suits you best.

Easy Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. Education should be free for everyone
  2. Why are US citizens rapidly becoming more obese?
  3. Internet access must be limited to students
  4. Young people must have a right to choose when it comes to military
  5. Each student must have a right to pick only those disciplines they are interested in
  6. What are the advantages the US educational system offers to international students?
  7. Which secondary languages are worth studying today?
  8. Is education too commercialized nowadays?
  9. Is current academic grading helpful in performance?
  10. Are tests like SAT and ACT effective?
  11. Advantages and disadvantages of the MBA program

6th-grade Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. First aid and medical help, in general, should become free
  2. People must spend less time on official work without any effect on their salaries
  3. Governments must finance social movements
  4. Parents have no right to control the lives of their children above 16
  5. Cloning must be banned
  6. Global warming
  7. Are abortions legal?
  8. Cross-cultural marriages add up to racial tolerance
  9. Is it OK to date a younger male?
  10. What is incest?
  11. What should be the role of partners in relationships and family?
  12. Is online dating safe?
  13. Will people start marrying their computers soon?
  14. People are good at heart (check the example below)
  1. Does participation in NCAA negatively influence the academic performance?
  2. What is the top unbreakable record in sport?
  3. Is Michael Jordan still a basketball star?

Topics for Middle School

  1. What is the actual relationship between food, fitness, and weight?
  2. What are the harmful effects of diets?
  3. Society should fight anorexia
  4. To regulate health issues, people should think about their sleep more
  5. Is golf still demanded?
  6. Steroid takers must be banned from team sports activities.
  7. Is swimming the best type of sport?
  8. Hockey and other dangerous sports

Argumentative Essay Topics for College

  1. Production and sales of tobacco must be made illegal
  2. The death sentence should be activated in every country of the world
  3. Smoking in public places has to be banned
  4. Alcohol usage should be controlled
  5. They should not sell alcoholic beverages after 11 P.M.
  6. Drinking energetic drinks is harmful
  7. Should court proceedings be documented for television?
  8. The most suitable age to have a right to vote
  9. When can citizens start drinking and smoking (specific age)?
  10. On the whole, is there justice for all?
  11. Was the Industrial Revolution a Europe-wide phenomenon in the nineteenth century?

Interesting Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. It should be forbidden to use animals for research purposes and cruel experiments
  2. Should rainforests destructions be punished?
  3. To what extent are electric vehicles a solution to global pollution?
  4. Pros and cons of globalization
  5. Was Roosevelt right about building a Panama Canal?
  6. Are you on the side of King-Kong or militaries who interrupted his world to study it using violent measures?
  7. The risks the United States may face in terms of rapidly changing climate conditions.
  8. Earthquakes and their consequences
  9. Tsunami: the death wave.
  10. Beautiful forests of Amazonia.
  11. Which species should be included in the Red Book (Liber Novus)?
  12. How can students add up to the social movement for nature's safety?

Controversial Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. The US and Chinese governments will not let the Third World War happen
  2. Existing public school policies must be changed
  3. Is gun control an effective way to control crime?
  4. Government should forbid same-sex marriages
  5. Society is turning over-regulated
  6. The countries with the highest levels of corruption
  7. Are some political authorities engaged in illegal activities in the US?
  8. Should the government accept people with physical disabilities?
  9. Being a politician: art or a born talent
  10. Can anyone be above the law?
  11. Pros and cons of monarchy
  12. Is CIS a better alternative for the USSR?

Argumentative Essay Ideas on Sports

  1. What can be done to assist teenagers in maintaining a healthy weight?
  2. Does participation in NCAA negatively influence academic performance?
  3. What is the top unbreakable record in sport?
  4. Is Michael Jordan still a basketball star?
  5. Physical education in the school system (review the example below)

Topics on Technology

  1. Violent video games should be prohibited
  2. Does technology make people feel alone?
  3. YouTube Owners Should Check and Fix Comments That Involve Filthy Language
  4. Are people becoming technological zombies?
  5. Will humanity reach the time when there will be no more technological advancement?
  6. Influences of mobile phones: pros and cons
  7. Technology and education
  8. Is technology limiting creativity?

Topics on Social Media

  1. The role of communications in social networks for modern education
  2. Are contemporary people too reliant on technology?
  3. Are online friends more effective than imaginary?
  4. Is censorship of the Internet necessary?

Art, Music & Movie Topic Ideas

  1. Does art pay?
  2. Can music and cinematography be called art too?
  3. Is gothic art the most preferred and magnificent in the history of humanity?
  4. Can you succeed in life working in the field of art?
  5. Are today's music tracks educational or meaningful at all?
  6. Are modern lyrics too explicit for a young audience?
  7. There is no plot in the majority of up-to-date movies
  8. How long should a motion picture last?

We have a blog with topics for narrative writing. Read and find something interesting for your writing.

Funny Argumentative Topics

  1. Would Batman be in law in the real world?
  2. 2D vs. 3D vs. 4D: What's Next?
  3. Can the chip control the human mind like they do in superhero movies?
  4. Does Griffins Family correspond to the typical American family?
  5. Graffiti is illegal art. How should it be punished?
  6. Marijuana should be legal.
  7. Should parents be soft on their children?

Tips on Choosing an Argumentative Essay Topic

If you wish everyone to read your piece with the bated breath, try to:

  • Pick a topic that everyone is currently discussing. Pay attention to the rumors.
  • Select a question, an answer to which is still unknown to many people.
  • Choose an audience that does not agree with your point.
  • Decide on the problem on which everyone has a specific point of view.
  • Choose an issue based on your interests, but don't go too far!
  • Do not stop on those topics that do not raise any arguments. Issues that state scientific facts proven by centuries do not work.
  • A debatable essay must focus on the critical issue which leads to possible conflicts.
  • Skip topics that people tend to agree on.
  • Almost every second problem related to politics is a good choice.

Remember, the world is not black-and-white. There are always two sides to the coin. So, even if you're pretty sure of your claim, and the majority of people tend to support it, consider the arguments of the opposing side. Only then your argumentative paper will be graded respectively high.

The main idea is to choose the most exciting argumentative paper topics to impress both your audience and your teacher. It's like a competition, where the highest grade is your prize. Whenever you need immediate help with your writing assignments, turn to the professional writing service. We can compose an argumentative essay for you on any topic in several hours.

Argumentative Essay Structure

Just like any other academic paper, an argumentative essay requires such steps as:

  1. In-depth research
  2. Gathering of information
  3. Picking the most credible and up-to-date sources
  4. Writing a draft
  5. Writing compare and contrast essay itself
  6. Editing
  7. Revising

Speaking about the structure of the argumentative essay, we offer a five-paragraph paper outline. Let your original ideas flow in this manner:

  1. Introduction. Start it with a hook to capture your reader's attention. You may consider using an anecdote, an interesting fact, or provide an example of statistics. Wrap up the first paragraph with a strong thesis statement.
  2. Main Body. We suggest dividing the main body into 3 paragraphs according to a standard number of arguments to mention in an argumentative essay. Start each section with a topic sentence. Then provide some exciting information. You may also add direct quotes from famous authors if available. End each body paragraph with evidence that supports your point.
  3. Conclusion. In the final paragraph of your argumentative essay, the first thing you should do is restate your thesis statement. Don't repeat it, but rephrase it instead. Also, don't introduce new information in conclusion. Then summarize your main points. End the conclusion with a call to action.


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Bottom Line

It all seems easy: just select, draft, write and revise. But in reality, the whole writing process can be frustrating and time-consuming. Don't worry. Skills and experience come through mistakes. The next time, the task of completing an argumentative essay will seem much easier to you.

If you have no desire to waste time on selecting the best topic and writing the whole paper from scratch, don't forget that you have a loyal team of professionals by your side. We are always ready to help at affordable prices – contact us in case of any questions or additional information. Expand your horizons by ordering an outstanding argumentative essay from expert US writers!

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Article posted on:Aug 8, 2024
Article updated on:Aug 9, 2024


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